Big Bang "Alive" Released !
Oh yay ! The day all VIPs (Big Bang's fan name) has been waiting for. The release of Big Bang's latest mini-album "Alive". If you're a VIP, you'd know that their first released single "Blue" is topping all kind of charts and achieved the first "Perfect All Kill" ( the artist must achieve being #1 on the 7 Major Korean Online Music Sites for that day and also have the most streams (combination of mobile / callback ringtones). Whereas on Youtube "Blue" hit 9.9 Million views within a week !
Check out the songs in their "Alive" album. It includes different genres from Hip Hop to Electronic.
Intro track - Alive
Bad Boy M/V
Love Dust
Fantastic Baby
Okay, that's all ! I can't wait 15th March The day Big Bang's "Alive" album will reach my doorstep ! YAY ^^