B2ST in Changi Airport.
Oh Mai Gawd ! My husbands and boyflens from B2ST is in Singapore. It's such a tragic they're not coming to Malaysia. I shall make my way to Singapore next year and hopefully they'll go Singapore again next year *Fingers.Crossed. Today, I shall mourn by listening to B2ST's songs 24/7.#PityMe.
Here are some pictures and videos of them in Changi Airport, Singapore.
Ahhhh ! I wanna be one of those fangirls !
My boyfie, Gikwang <3
Hyunseung AGAIN.
My hubby, Seobieeee <3
Hyunseung AGAIN AGAIN .
My Seobieeee :3
Woonie :)
Hyunseung Again-gain... but there's Junhyung, My Boyfie <3
To those lucky ones who are going tonight,
Anyways, have you learn your fanchants?
Hmm.. I'm only gonna post two. Too lazeehhh ! Sorreh :P
I laik Fiction's fanchant the most <3
Yoon Doojoon Jang Hyunseung Yong Junhyung Yang Yoseob Lee Gikwang Son Dongwoon Fiction Daebak
Yoon Doojoon Jang Hyunseung Yong Junhyung Yang Yoseob Lee Gikwang Son Dongwoon So Bis Seu Teu
The lyrics are already in the video ^_^