Exams, oh Exams !
Exams, I wonder if you're specially designed by the government to kill innocent lives of us, students. Especially you ! Yes you,
PMR ! Here iz a little message for you :
" You suck worse than a vacumm machine. You are so friggin hard nobody likes you"
-sincerely students-
I hate Malaysian exams especially because first of all, there is tons and tons of subjects. and practically everything i in
BAHASA MELAYU. Thus, everything which is in BM is mahh kiler subject. Now here's the thing. We study Sejarah (which is History). WHAI? Those people are long gone, enjoying their after life in heaven now. Then there is KH ( So called living skills ) If I need someone to plant something Id hire the gardener and if the pipe is leaking I'll call the plumber and if there is something wrong with my bulbs I'd call the electrician.
WHAI DO I HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF? You do know that you are destroying gardeners, plumbers and electricians lives right? They need to make a living ya know?
Then, there's Geography.
WHAT THE HECK ARE MAPS INVENTED FOR HUH? #ShoutOut to who-ever created maps. Well, true math is important. BUT after years of studying Algebra I still have no idea why we study it and how does it apply to my daily life? Oh yeah, the worse of the worse
MUSIC. And yet it's in
BM AGAIN ! Hello? Youtube? Are you too outdated or what? It's just a click away.
Conclusion, Exam suck. ^^
Labels: Exams
"Exams, oh Exams !" was Posted On: Monday, 21 May 2012 @19:39 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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